
AGROMENTORIA offers on its website the opportunities for judicial alienation of rural properties, which can purchase according to the legal rules published for each public auction. In advance, AGROMENTORIA performs acquisition analysis, in the same way that it gives the legal orientation and consequent immission in the farm's possession. Acquisitions through auctions may contain discounts of no less than 50% of the farm's judicial evaluation value and/or installment payments.


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Where are we

Av. Ibirapuera, nº 2927, Cnj 805, Ed. Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera • Ibirapuera
04029-200 • São Paulo/SP

Tel: +55 (51) 9 8159-1100


Agromentoria Serviços e Conexões de Negócios LTDA
CNPJ: 41.475.323/0001-19


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