Founder's professional biography

Founder's professional biography

Founder's professional biography

Dr. Marco Antônio Floriano Bittencourt life story is linked to the agribusiness since his birth in Bagé, on December 25, 1979, in Rio Grande do Sul. Trade's grandson, at the age of four he moved to the city of Cachoeira do Sul, where his family has a company linked to agribusiness nowadays.

He was raised in a farmers' environment and, in the mid-2000s, moved to the city of Porto Alegre, where for six years, he gained experience in an office that managed Banco do Brasil's interests in the rural and industrial credit portfolio.

In 2006, with his knowledge in the agricultural market, he constituted his first law firm, serving rural and agro-industrial producers. He Worked in legal thesis laboratories with content and studies of materials published by the financial system. Always with a negotiating and administrative focus aiming at the quick solution of the customers' demand, reducing costs, and increasing profitability.

In 2009, he established a consultancy to assist rural producers and agroindustries in the Brazilian midwest, where he obtained a lot of successful cases consolidating the theses developed over the years. Needing to detail the rural credit liabilities vis-à-vis the National Financial System of Rural Credit, in 2012, created the first financial audit company focused on the return of rural credit resources, used in addition to the financial analysis the expert dissertation as a factor of legal understanding.

Based on his extensive knowledge in the agricultural area, in 2013, he wrote the Rural Credit Article - Solution for Billionaire Liabilities, which in the same year, it was an article approved by specialists in the field like senator Ana Amélia Lemos. Posteriorly, in the same year, this senator invited Dr. Marco Antônio Floriano Bittencourt to write PLS 354/2014, called “Projeto Replantar”(Replant Project), under the coordination of Federal Senate Legislative Advisor Fernando Lagares Távora. Apart from the development project, Dr. Marco followed all legislative developments, helping in drafting opinions and legal explanations to the National Congress. The following year, he started the structural demobilization of his company, starting to outsource essential services to form business conviction of his customers, always to minimize the operational cost and provide a positive result service in a short time.

He released the work - "Um desafio a Céu Aberto" , in 2017, which was nothing more than the consolidation of a basic understanding guide for rural producers using resources from the financial system, defining concepts, history and origin of the national financial system of rural credit, types of contracts and jurisprudential understandings.

In mid-2018, he began to catch funds in domestic and foreign investment and banks in São Paulo/SP, thus he closed the cycle of understanding the rural producers' need- acquisition- investment- subrogation and liability management.

Finally, on January 1st, 2020, due to his innovative vision and increasing computerization of public agencies and the Brazilian judicial system, he formatted the first online digital office: "O Agromentoria."

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Av. Ibirapuera, nº 2927, Cnj 805, Ed. Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera • Ibirapuera
04029-200 • São Paulo/SP

Tel: +55 (51) 9 8159-1100


Agromentoria Serviços e Conexões de Negócios LTDA
CNPJ: 41.475.323/0001-19


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