Rural credit

Restructuring of Rural Credit Liabilities - audit in rural credit operations

Restructuring of Rural Credit Liabilities - audit in rural credit operations

AGROMENTORIA analyzes the possibilities of re-framing rural credit operations to return these resources under the terms of the Rural Credit Manual. Confront contractual information by analyzing the period of borrowing resources, categories of resources that were used and rules of the National Financial System. The audit is performed by AGROMENTORIA's technicians who provide the customer with the amount to be paid for the debt according to the funds raised and the pertinent rules of the financial system, as well as the liquidation time, whether judicial or administrative. The audit consists of the history of the balance due, analysis of statements, contracts, processes and everything that is necessary for later conviction and definition of the best business strategy to be defined by the customer.


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Av. Ibirapuera, nº 2927, Cnj 805, Ed. Bourbon Convention Ibirapuera • Ibirapuera
04029-200 • São Paulo/SP

Tel: +55 (51) 9 8159-1100


Agromentoria Serviços e Conexões de Negócios LTDA
CNPJ: 41.475.323/0001-19


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